GCDC supports Wild Rose Casino vote

To the editor,

Greene County Development Corporation would like to encourage all residents of Greene County to vote “Yes” for the continuance of the gaming license that would allow Wild Rose Casino to remain in Greene County.  The addition of the Wild Rose Casino has likely had a greater impact on Greene County’s community development, economic growth, and business expansion than any other single business in the last quarter century.

The impact of Wild Rose Casino during the first eight years of existence has been incredible! Wild Rose Casino provides funding to the community that has been used to support the expansion of the Greene County Medical Center, construction of a new high school and career academy, multiple new housing projects, the restoration of existing housing structures, construct a beautiful new Greene County Early Learning Center, the revitalization of various projects around our downtown square, and numerous smaller projects in every town within Greene County and contiguous counties.

Even more difficult, and impossible to measure, is the impact the casino’s revenue sharing will have in the years to come.  Simply put, Wild Rose Casino, and the economic development support it has and will provide for Greene County, is a game changer, and we are so very fortunate to have them as a partner. 

Greene County is proud of our growth during the past decade, but this would not have been possible without the multiple contributions from Wild Rose Casino.  Please take the time on November 2nd to cast your vote to keep Wild Rose Casino in Greene County.

Sid Jones, president GCDC and Ken Paxton, executive director GCDC

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